Boosting Your Child's Immunity Naturally

As parents, it’s tough to see our little ones frequently becoming unwell. As their immune systems develop, they are at greater risk of catching all of the viruses and bugs going around - particularly if they attend daycare or kindy. We know this can be exhausting for the entire family.

There are certain things that can negatively affect your child's immune system. Our modern diet which is high in sugar and processed foods, poor sleep, busy lifestyles, and poor gut health can all weaken immunity.

The good news is there are lots of ways that you can help strengthen their immune systems. Here are some simple, practical steps to help reduce those pesky daycare bugs and help your little ones bounce back quickly when they do catch them!

Eat a variety of colours

A healthy immune system starts with what we put into our bodies. Ensuring your child eats plenty of fruits and vegetables is a great first step. Aim to include a rainbow of colours on their plates - each colour offers different antioxidants and vitamins that work together to keep your child healthy.

Another thing to note is that when your child is sick, you should take note of the foods they eat. Some foods can actually increase mucus production and hinder your child's ability to fight off illness. Dairy, sugar, white flour, and food additives are common culprits, with sugar weakening immune responses and increasing infection time. On the other hand, foods like garlic and onions can reduce mucus and have antibacterial properties. Including these in your child's diet can help keep their respiratory system clear and healthy.

Wash those hands

Talk to your kids about personal hygiene. Handwashing alone has the power to prevent one out of three diarrhoea-related illnesses. It’s an easy and effective way to protect your child from catching or spreading illnesses.

Explain the importance of handwashing to your children and teach them how to do it correctly: under running water and with soap for 20 seconds.

That being said, it is good to expose your child to a range of bacteria so it is possible to go overboard with hygiene, which leads us to our next point…

Get outside

During the winter months, we spend more time indoors and cover up when we do go outside, which can lead to lower Vitamin D levels. Vitamin D is vital for immune function, so try to get your child outside for some sunlight whenever possible.

Playing outside in the dirt, interacting with nature and being around animals can actually boost their immunity. These activities expose children to beneficial microbes that help build a stronger immune system. Plus, it's great fun for them!

Prioritise rest

Too many activities and late nights can really take a toll on a child's immune system, so make sure your child is getting enough sleep. Quality rest is essential for their bodies to repair and strengthen their defences against illnesses

If your child becomes unwell, it’s crucial to allow them to get enough rest, so they can allow their bodies to recover. This is sometimes tough for working parents, but in the long run, it can help shorten the overall duration of illness.

Support gut health

Approximately 70-80% of the immune system lives in the gut. Keeping your child's gut healthy is key to a strong immune system that can quickly bounce back from illnesses. Foods to support the growth of healthy gut flora include fermented foods like yoghurt, sauerkraut, kombucha and kefir. 

Good quality probiotic supplements can also be beneficial for gut health, but speak with our team of naturopaths to ensure you are choosing the correct strains.

Consider supplements

Certain nutrients and herbs are particularly beneficial for boosting immunity. Vitamin A, Vitamin C, D and Zinc are key players in keeping the immune system strong. Consider supplements that include these, or better yet, ensure you are including foods rich in these nutrients in your child’s diet. 

Cod liver oil is a fantastic supplement for children. It's rich in Vitamins A and D, both crucial for immune health. Plus, it contains essential fatty acids that support overall health. A small daily dose can make a big difference in keeping those sniffles at bay.

Additionally, herbs like Echinacea and Elderberry can be very effective in supporting immune function and are available in kid-friendly options through The KAN Clinic.

Continue breastfeeding

If you can, try to breastfeed your child as long as possible. Breast milk is packed with antibodies and immune-boosting properties that are incredibly beneficial for your growing child. It’s a wonderful way to pass on your own immunity and give them a strong start.

Dealing with constantly sick kids can be frustrating and upsetting, but remember that this is part of their immune system's development. As long as they bounce back quickly from illnesses, they are on the right track to building a robust immune system.

By following these tips and encouraging your child to eat well and stay active, you can help them build a strong immune system. However, if you’ve been unable to get off the merry-go-round of illness and are in need of some extra support, you might like to consider booking an acute appointment. Our naturopaths can prescribe practitioner-grade products and offer dietary and lifestyle advice to help your family have fewer sick days and more happy, healthy ones!


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