What is your body telling you?

Your body is constantly communicating with you. From subtle signals to more obvious signs, these messages often provide insight into your overall health. As naturopaths, we always encourage our clients to pay attention to these signals, no matter how minor they may seem. By noticing early signs, you can take action before they escalate into more serious health issues. As the saying goes, “If you listen to your body when it whispers, you won’t have to hear it scream.”

As naturopaths, we incorporate physical examinations as part of thorough case-taking to help identify these messages and understand their underlying causes. A careful look at the body’s signs can guide further investigations, such as blood tests or additional functional testing, to get a clearer picture of what’s going on internally. 

Let’s explore some common physical signs and symptoms we see in clinic, and how they may relate to specific health conditions.

Your eyes

Your eyes can tell you a lot about your health. For instance, poor eyesight or night vision, dry eyes or sensitivity to light could indicate a deficiency in vitamin A. If you notice pale conjunctiva (the inner lining of your eyelids), this could be a sign of anaemia, where your body lacks sufficient red blood cells to carry oxygen. Dark circles under your eyes can be more than just a sign of tiredness. They can be related to adrenal fatigue, allergies or dehydration.

Your mouth

Your mouth holds many clues about your internal health. A red, swollen tongue could suggest deficiencies in B vitamins or iron, as well as digestive issues. If you experience bleeding gums, it might indicate low vitamin C levels. A scalloped tongue, where the edges of the tongue appear to have indentations, can point to food allergies, constipation, nutrient deficiencies or sluggish digestion

If your tongue is pale, you may have an iron deficiency, while a quivering tongue is often linked to low magnesium levels. Thick coatings on the tongue could be related to gastrointestinal imbalances or overgrowths - white patches in particular may signal a fungal infection.

Other oral signs, such as redness and cracking in the corners of your mouth, can be linked to B vitamin or iron deficiencies. A loss of taste or smell might suggest zinc deficiency. If you find yourself grinding your teeth, this may point to deficiencies in magnesium, stress, parasites, or allergies. A naturopath can help you interpret these signs and offer nutritional and lifestyle support to correct the imbalances.

Your skin

Your skin is the largest organ of the body, and it often reflects what's happening internally. Dry, bumpy skin could indicate a vitamin A deficiency or low omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. If your skin appears pale, this could suggest iron deficiency. Itchy skin, on the other hand, might be linked to gall bladder or kidney health issues.

Changes in skin pigmentation can result from sun exposure, blood sugar regulation issues, liver health problems, autoimmune conditions, or B vitamin deficiencies. Skin tags, those small growths of skin, are sometimes associated with blood sugar dysregulation.

Since skin conditions often have deep-rooted causes, addressing them from the inside out with the help of a naturopath can be highly effective.

Your hair

Hair changes can also provide insight into your health. For instance, females experiencing unwanted hair growth on the face may have hormonal imbalances or conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Hair loss can have various causes, including deficiencies in vitamin D, B vitamins, biotin, iodine, iron, selenium, and zinc. It may also be related to medical conditions like alopecia areata. Dry hair might point to thyroid issues or deficiencies in omega-3 fatty acids or vitamin A.

Your nails

Paying attention to your nails can give you a lot of information about your health. Brittle nails may be a result of excessive water or detergent exposure but could also be linked to iron deficiency or hypothyroidism. If your nails are splitting, it may indicate insufficient intake of protein, calcium, or silica. Pitting, where small indentations appear in the nails, can be a sign of psoriasis, eczema, or autoimmune conditions like alopecia areata.

Vertical ridging may suggest deficiencies in vitamin A, calcium, iron, or silica, and can also point to reduced digestive function. Horizontal ridges, on the other hand, may indicate blood sugar imbalances, nutrient deficiencies, or underlying medical conditions.White spots on your nails can signal deficiencies in calcium or zinc, or may be due to nail bed trauma. Pale nails could be a sign of anaemia or issues with nutrient absorption, while yellowing or white nails might suggest a fungal infection. Blue nails, although less common, can indicate cardiovascular or circulatory issues. 

Your vital signs

Your vital signs, such as body temperature and pulse rate, offer further clues about your overall health. For instance, tracking your basal body temperature (BBT) can help indicate whether ovulation is occurring in females, as well as reveal hormonal imbalances. A consistently low body temperature may suggest thyroid issues.

Your pulse rate is another vital clue. A rapid heart rate could be related to inadequate calcium or thiamine intake or absorption, or it may suggest hyperthyroidism. Conversely, a slower heart rate may be linked to hypothyroidism. Monitoring and understanding your vital signs can guide us toward more targeted health investigations.

What to do if you notice any of these signs or symptoms

Your body’s signs and symptoms are valuable indicators of your health, but they should never be looked at in isolation. What you notice externally may be just the surface of deeper imbalances within your body. Naturopaths use these signs as part of a comprehensive approach to better understand what’s going on and to guide further testing or treatment.

If you've noticed any of these signs in yourself, it's essential not to self-diagnose. By working with a naturopath, you can receive a thorough assessment to get to the root cause of your symptoms and develop a plan tailored to your unique health needs. Whether it's nutritional support, herbal remedies, or lifestyle changes, a naturopath can help you understand what your body is telling you and provide the tools to improve your overall wellbeing.

Take the time to listen to your body’s whispers before they turn into shouts - your health will thank you for it. If you're ready to explore these signs and symptoms further, make an appointment with our team today.

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