Addressing Your Child’s Anxiety Holistically

Anxiety in children is a concern that many parents face, but it can often be challenging to determine when those worries are part of normal development and when they might indicate something more serious. Anxiety can manifest in various ways, and understanding how it presents in your child is the first step toward providing the right support.

According to the Young Minds Matter survey, nearly 7% of children and adolescents aged 4–17 years in Australia have been reported to have an anxiety disorder, highlighting the importance of awareness and early intervention.

In this blog, we will explore how anxiety affects children, factors that can contribute to childhood anxiety, and suggestions for how you can support your child holistically if they are impacted by anxiety.

How can I tell if my child is experiencing anxiety?

Children naturally experience different worries as they grow, such as feeling upset when separated from you at childcare or school, navigating friendships, or fear of the dark. These are typical childhood fears and are usually temporary. However, for some children, anxiety can become more intense and persistent, impacting their ability to enjoy life.

When anxiety becomes excessive, uncontrollable, and irrational, it can be a barrier to your child’s happiness. Some children may develop anxiety disorders such as separation anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, or generalised anxiety disorder (GAD). In these situations, your naturopath will work alongside other health professionals to ensure your child is well supported.

You might notice signs of anxiety in your child, such as frequent headaches or stomach aches, difficulty sleeping, irritability, or a constant need for reassurance. They may also display challenging behaviours like defiance or anger, struggle to focus, or avoid certain situations that make them feel uneasy. If your child experiences these feelings or behaviours, it can have a significant impact on their life, as well as your wider family dynamic.

Why is my child so anxious?

The causes of anxiety in children can be complex and varied. In some cases, underlying conditions like pyroluria, heavy metal toxicity, or nutrient deficiencies and imbalances (particularly zinc, copper, magnesium and B vitamins) can contribute to anxiety symptoms. Other factors might include school or home-related stress, a family history of anxiety, as well as certain medications.

As naturopaths, we approach anxiety by considering these underlying factors and looking at all aspects of your child’s health. This means not just addressing the symptoms but understanding and treating the root causes to provide more comprehensive support. 

How can I support my child with anxiety?

 If your child’s anxiety is impacting their daily life, it might be time to seek professional help. Naturopaths can offer valuable support alongside other healthcare providers, working together to create a comprehensive plan that addresses all aspects of your child’s health. By taking a holistic approach, you can help your child not only manage their anxiety but thrive in all areas of their life.

Our team of naturopaths can explore a range of treatment options with you, including:

  • Mindfulness: Mindfulness practices can help your child manage anxiety by teaching them to stay present and calm. This can be particularly beneficial in reducing stress and promoting emotional regulation.

  • Herbal remedies: Herbs can help to reduce feelings of anxiety, support your child’s stress response, improve sleep and support their overall mood. Herbs we love for anxiety in children include chamomile, lemon balm and passionflower.

  • Nutrient support: Addressing nutrient deficiencies is crucial in managing anxiety. We also look for imbalances in nutrients, as this can often contribute to low mood and mental health conditions.

  • Flower essences: These can be used to address emotional imbalances and provide gentle support for your child’s mental and emotional health.

  • Gut health: The connection between the gut and the brain is being increasingly recognised for its impact on mental health. We can explore your child’s digestive health and offer testing and dietary recommendations to address any concerns that arise.

  • Lifestyle modifications: Simple lifestyle changes, such as ensuring your child gets enough sleep, limiting screen time, encouraging outdoor play, and spending time in nature, can make a significant difference in managing anxiety. This all forms part of a naturopathic treatment plan and we will work with you to incorporate this into your child’s day-to-day schedule.


At The KAN Clinic, we know that anxiety in children is a complex issue, but with the right support, it is manageable. We have supported many young clients with anxiety and mood disorders and have had excellent results with a holistic approach to their physical and mental health. If you would like to better understand how we can work with you to address your child’s anxiety, book a discovery call today!

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