Helping Your Child Overcome Constipation

Constipation is one of the most common concerns parents bring to our clinic, and we’ve seen firsthand how significantly it can impact your child's daily life – as well as your entire family dynamic.

Constipation in children is often diagnosed using the Rome criteria, which include having fewer than three bowel movements per week, experiencing painful or hard stools, or passing large stools that may block the toilet. A variety of factors contribute to constipation in children, including birth method (whether your child was born vaginally or via caesarean), whether they were breastfed or bottle fed, the timing of solid food introduction, and antibiotic use.

When left unaddressed, this can become a chronic issue. But the good news is, by taking a naturopathic approach that considers your child’s overall health, we have many tools available to effectively manage and treat constipation.

In this blog, we'll explore the diet and lifestyle factors often related to constipation, other underlying causes, and testing options you might like to consider.

Dietary and lifestyle recommendations for constipation

If your child is struggling with constipation, there are several simple steps you can take at home. These are foundational to what we often recommend as naturopaths, tailoring them to your child’s unique needs:

  • Hydration: Ensuring your child is well-hydrated is key. Water is the best option, but foods high in water content, like watermelon and cucumber, can help too. The amount of water your child needs varies based on age and weight, and a naturopath can help you calculate what’s ideal.

  • Fibre intake: Boosting fibre in the diet is crucial. Fruits like kiwifruit, apples, and pears, and vegetables, particularly leafy greens, are great sources of fibre. Seeds, such as chia and flaxseeds, can also provide gentle, natural fibre to support healthy bowel movements.

  • Processed foods: Processed foods can be low in fibre and full of ingredients that don’t support healthy digestion. Reducing these in favour of whole, nutrient-dense foods will make a significant difference.

  • Movement: Physical activity stimulates the digestive system, so encouraging your child to engage in regular exercise or play can keep things moving smoothly. 

The emotional side of constipation

Constipation can sometimes be tied to emotions, such as stress, anxiety, or fear. In some children, negative emotions related to bowel movements can lead to withholding behaviour. For example, if your child has had a painful or scary experience with constipation, they may avoid using the toilet, which in turn worsens the issue.

Busy family schedules or school timetables may also contribute, as some children avoid going to the toilet at inconvenient times. Over time, this creates a negative association with bowel movements, which only reinforces the problem.

Other potential causes of constipation

Other possible factors that we see commonly contribute to constipation in children include:

  • Nutrient deficiencies: Lack of key nutrients like Vitamin D have been shown to affect bowel function.

  • Food intolerances and allergies: Intolerances to foods such as dairy or gluten are common causes of constipation and may need to be removed from the diet either temporarily or permanently.

  • Medical conditions: Conditions such as coeliac disease, thyroid imbalances, low muscle tone (hypotonia), and hypermobility, as well as autism and ADHD, can be associated with constipation, so it’s important to address your child’s health thoroughly and holistically.

  • Medications: Over-the-counter iron supplements are notorious for causing constipation. They tend to be poorly absorbed forms of iron, resulting in dark, tarry stools and constipation. As naturopaths, we work with high-quality iron supplements that are well-absorbed and gentle on the digestive system.

  • Gut imbalances and parasites: An unhealthy balance of gut bacteria or the presence of parasites can interfere with digestion and bowel movements. Some bacteria produce methane gas which slows down gut motility and is a significant driver of constipation in both adults and children. These bacteria can be found in the large intestine (dysbiosis) or small intestine (SIBO - small intestine bacterial overgrowth). Any inflammatory bacteria can also cause constipation. Even bacteria like e.coli which we more commonly associate with diarrhoea, can produce inflammatory compounds which result in hard, sticky, difficult to pass stools.

Investigations for constipation

If dietary and lifestyle changes don’t seem to be helping, it may be time to look deeper into what’s going on with your child’s digestive health. As naturopaths, we can guide you through more specific testing to uncover the root cause of constipation, including:

  • Gut microbiome testing: This helps us see whether your child’s gut bacteria are imbalanced as well as check for parasites and inflammation.

  • Coeliac screening and thyroid panels: To rule out these conditions or provide holistic support if needed.

  • Bowel transit time testing: A simple home test using sesame seeds can help track how long it takes food to pass through your child’s digestive system, to give us a better idea of the degree of constipation your child is experiencing.

  • Hair tissue mineral analysis: This non-invasive test provides a detailed view of nutrient levels and potential heavy metal toxicity.

  • Diet diary and elimination diet: Occasionally, we will use these tools to help identify problematic foods.

How naturopathy can support your child

Naturopaths can provide a wealth of support when it comes to managing your child’s constipation. We look at the bigger picture of your child’s health and address not just the symptoms but also the underlying causes. Here are some ways we can help:

  • Personalised diet and lifestyle advice: We tailor recommendations specifically for your child’s needs, focusing on hydration, nutrition, and movement.

  • Nutrient support: We may suggest specific supplements, prebiotics, or probiotics to address nutrient deficiencies or support gut health.

  • Herbs: We have a range of laxative and carminative herbs that can offer gentle relief, helping to ease constipation and improve digestive health.

  • Functional testing: With targeted testing, we can develop an effective treatment plan based on your child’s specific health needs.

  • Collaborative care: If your child is already using prescribed laxatives, we can work alongside your GP to provide complementary support and minimise reliance on medication.

Constipation can feel overwhelming, but with the right guidance, it is a manageable issue. Naturopaths can work with your family to create a plan that supports your child’s overall health, reduces stress, and leads to more regular, comfortable bowel movements. By addressing the root cause, we help your child feel better from the inside out. Reach out to our team today if you and your little ones need some some support in this area.

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