Thriving During the Two Week Wait

The two week wait (TWW) is the period between ovulation and when your period is due. If you're actively trying to conceive and tracking your cycle, these fourteen days can feel like an eternity. The uncertainty of whether or not you're pregnant can make this time especially challenging. Let's discuss how you can support your body and mind during the TWW, and how a naturopath can assist if you don't conceive as quickly as you'd like.

Understanding the Two Week Wait

During the TWW, your body undergoes several important changes. After ovulation, progesterone levels rise, which helps thicken the endometrium (the lining of the uterus) to support a potential pregnancy. This hormone also prepares the uterine lining for implantation of an egg and supports early pregnancy until the placenta takes over. 

The early signs of pregnancy often feel very similar to premenstrual symptoms, making it tempting to over-analyse every twinge and sensation. It’s easy to find yourself constantly Googling every symptom you experience, which often only adds to your anxiety. So, try to distract yourself with a good book, spending time with friends or making time for some self-care to help pass the time.

One thing you can do that can give you some insight into how things are progressing during the TWW is to track your cycle. Tracking your cycle length, bleed time and any symptoms you experience can help you become more in tune with your body's rhythms and improve your chances of conception. Many people like to use a period tracking app or even a plain old piece of paper to familiarise themselves with their cycle. It’s important to note that while apps can be useful, it’s not an exact science, so try not to rely solely on their predictions.

Instead, we recommend using the ‘fertility awareness method’, which involves observing your cervical mucus, charting your basal body temperature, and tracking changes in your cervix to identify your most fertile days. Your basal body temperature increases soon after conception and stays high for the remainder of your pregnancy, so invest in a good thermometer! This approach provides a comprehensive understanding of your reproductive health and can pinpoint ovulation more accurately than app predictions alone.

Supporting Your Body During the TWW

There are many ways you can nourish your body during these two weeks, such as:

  1. Prioritising sleep and rest: Your body needs quality rest to support optimal fertility. Ensure you're getting enough sleep each night and allow yourself to rest during the day as needed.

  2. Gentle exercise: Avoid intense cardio or heavy weight training during this time. Opt for gentler activities like stretching, yoga, or walking, which are beneficial without putting too much strain on your body. Gentle exercise promotes blood flow and reduces stress, both of which contribute to a healthy reproductive system. Strenuous exercise, on the other hand, can increase stress hormones like cortisol, which may interfere with hormone balance and implantation.

  3. Nutrition: Focus on a balanced diet rich in fertility-boosting nutrients. Quality sources of protein fuel your hormones, good fats are essential for hormone production, and complex carbohydrates provide a steady release of energy and help maintain stable blood sugar levels, which is important for hormone regulation.
    Brightly coloured fruits and vegetables provide antioxidants and micronutrients vital for fertility. Additionally, taking a quality prenatal vitamin or at least an activated form of folate is recommended pre-conception and throughout pregnancy to prevent neural tube defects.

  4. Hydration: Stay well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Proper hydration supports overall health and can improve cervical mucus quality, which is important for conception.

  5. Avoid alcohol: A safe level of alcohol consumption during pregnancy hasn’t been established, so it’s recommended to abstain from alcohol both pre-conception and during pregnancy to ensure the best environment for a potential pregnancy.

Supporting Your Mental Health

  • Treat yourself: Take part in activities that make you feel good and boost dopamine levels, which may support implantation. Book a massage, go out for a nice meal, or enjoy a relaxing bath. Find joy in simple pleasures and allow yourself to feel pampered.

  • Be gentle with yourself: If you've been trying to conceive for a while, the waiting can be emotionally taxing. Acknowledge your feelings and remind yourself that this phase will pass. Practice self-compassion wherever possible.

  • Build a support network: Fertility challenges can be confusing and frustrating. Surround yourself with a solid support network, including friends, family, and professionals who can offer guidance and understanding. Remember, you don’t have to navigate this journey alone.

Seeking Professional Support

  • Investigate fertility early: You don't need to wait to investigate your fertility status. Testing early gives you valuable insights into your reproductive health. Having a better understanding of your fertility and overall health can empower you to make informed decisions and make necessary changes to support your journey.

  • Tailored treatment strategies: A naturopath can create a personalised treatment plan based on you and your partner's individual fertility results. This holistic approach can address specific needs and improve your chances of conception.

The TWW can be a challenging time filled with hope, anxiety, and anticipation. By supporting your body with proper nutrition, gentle exercise, and adequate rest, and by nurturing your mind and emotions with self-care and a strong support network, you can navigate this period more comfortably. 

Our team of naturopaths can provide valuable guidance and support to optimise your fertility journey, from reviewing and ordering comprehensive tests, to providing targeted and evidence-based practitioner quality supplements, and optimising your diet and lifestyle so you are giving yourself the best possible chance of conceiving and having a healthy pregnancy. We offer both individual and couple’s consultations, depending on your needs, so we can take both male and female factors into account.

If you’re approaching another two week wait and are feeling overwhelmed and unsure how to best support yourself, you can make a free discovery call with our naturopaths, to discuss how we can best support you.


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