Surviving the Silly Season

Surviving Christmas Naturally

I love Christmas and all the crazy that often comes with it. But it’s not for everyone. And for some people, this time of year comes with a HUGE dose of overwhelm and anxiety. 

Here are my top tips for thriving in the Silly Season:-

1. You do you.  Remember that you get to choose how you do life. You don't have to buy into the crazy. Don't like attending events and buying gifts for every Tom. Dick and Harry? Then don't. You can choose to buy into those elements that best serve you without causing overwhelm.

2. Prioritise Self-Care: Amidst the whirlwind of parties and gatherings, it's essential to carve out time for self-care. Prioritise quality sleep, even if it means leaving social events a little earlier. Engage in rejuvenating activities like leisurely walks, or yoga, and meditation, and saying “no” when needed to nurture your mind and body. Remember, self-care isn't selfish; it strengthens your ability to show up fully for others. Have you done my self-care quiz??

Christmas feast

3. Mindful Eating: Feasting for many people is often an inevitable part of the festive season but it doesn’t need to be a 3-month binge from November to January followed by a New Year “detox” and restrictive eating to undo all the damage that was done. It's okay to indulge now and then. Hell, I even recommend it! Life is too short not to enjoy all the good things life has to offer. However, be mindful of your day-to-day food choices. Embrace festivities without overloading your plate with sugary treats and processed foods. Add plenty of vegetables and healthier alternatives such as fruit platters. Don’t eat until your bellyaches. By nourishing your body with wholesome options, you can maintain balanced energy levels throughout the season and head into the New Year feeling fabulous.

Alcohol at Christmas

4. Hydration is Key: Amidst the excitement, it's easy to forget to stay hydrated. However, hydration plays a vital role in keeping your body functioning optimally especially if you've consumed alcohol or indulged in lots of salty snacks.

* Start with a large glass of water at all social events.

* If you are drinking alcohol have one water (minimum) in between each alcoholic beverage.

* Some herbal support for the liver before you head out, when you get home, and again the next morning is a GAME CHANGER (see my silly season offer below!)

* High-quality electrolytes will also be your best friend.

5. Maintain a Balanced Lifestyle: Don't let the festivities disrupt your healthy routine entirely. Aim for regular exercise, whether it's fitting in a quick workout, joining a dance party, or going for a swim. Keep showing up with your walks and your workouts. Physical activity not only helps to manage stress but also supports digestion and overall well-being. There is nothing better than a long family stroll around the neighbourhood after a long, luscious, Christmas lunch. And when it comes to balance, this includes practicing moderation when it comes to both food and alcohol.

6. Nurture Supportive Relationships: The silly season often revolves around socialising, so surround yourself with positive and supportive people who uplift your spirits and make you feel good. Seek quality connections and engage in meaningful conversations to strengthen your social bonds. Remember, genuine connections with others contribute to our overall happiness and well-being.

If you’d like some liver, stress, digestion, or hangover support check out our fab Silly Season Surivial Package. Its a GREAT deal! (I get a hangover from an alcohol-free late night let alone a drink or two so I need all the help I can get!) SEE BELOW

Navigate the festive period with grace, balance, and vitality. Embrace the joy of the season in a way that feels right for you while taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional health.

We will be taking a 3-week break over Christmas and New Year as we spend time with family in New Zealand. The clinic will also be operating reduced hours over January during the school summer holidays. Be sure to book your appointments in and give us a little notice if prescriptions need refilling.

The KAN Clinic wishes you a delightful and nourishing holiday season filled with wellness and happiness!


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