
What’s the deal with Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis?

In this blog post read all about the Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) and why its one of our favourite tests for all clients - whether you’re wanting to optimise preconception care, cardiovascular or thyroid health, or have a family member with speech delay, emotional dysregulation, mood or behaviour challenges.

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Iron testing 101: Ferritin is a poor marker of your body’s need for iron.

So you’ve been told that you have iron deficiency… but did you know, that ferritin, often relied upon to assess iron levels, is an unreliable marker of your body’s iron needs?

Read on to find out various ways that ferritin can be falsely low or falsely elevated and markers like transferrin and transferrin saturation that provide a more accurate assessment.

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Mental health, Testing THE KAN CLINIC Mental health, Testing THE KAN CLINIC

The pyroluria puzzle

Pyroluria is a somewhat controversial topic buzzing in health discussions for its potential ties to mental health and behavioral issues. Symptoms vary but can include poor dream recall, feeling anxious in social situations, finding it difficult to manage stress, lack of appetite, getting ‘side stitches’ when exercising, sensitivity to tags on clothes, and a general pattern of anxiety, depletion, and sensitivity to the environment. If you're nodding along, it might be time to explore the world of pyroluria.

But is pyroluria a condition in its own right or merely a symptom of something deeper?

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